Tune Revisions


Tuning revisions for minor modifications are free of charge up to 6 months after you’ve received your initial tune. The countdown starts from the time you receive the tune(s) which may be up to 7-10 business days following your order. Following that period, cost to renew for an additional 6 months of support is $150.

Anything in the "not included" list will not add onto any existing 6-month revision subscription. It will reset the 6-month window with a start date of the initial add-on tune delivery. Example: January 1 tune purchase puts expiration at July 1. Purchasing a $500 remote session June 1 will not start another 6 month window on July 2. It'll reset the timer on June 1 so the new expiration will be Dec 1. 

  • What's Included:
    • Rear Gear and/or Rear Tire size changes (2014 and older cars mostly - rarely is this required on 2015+ due to the BCM handling the speedometer accuracy). 
    • Ghost Cam Upgrade (for select combinations per our discretion and technically this is a FREE novelty tune regardless of revision window)
    • Safety and Performance review. 
  • What's NOT Included (requires additional cost):
    • Injector upgrades
    • Cold air intake changes
    • Intake manifold upgrades
    • Throttle Body Changes on EXISTING tune setup
    • Aftermarket camshaft upgrades
    • Power Adder upgrades
    • E85 and/or FLEX fuel tuning
    • Trans Swaps (Ex: MT82 to T56, or MT82 to 6R80)
    • Trackside Support

"What's Included" is considered minor modifications. If you need a tune revision, please click the link to the support page on our website. (http://support.lundracing.com) You must sign up, and submit a request with your original order number from wherever you purchased the original tune. You are going to need to provide us the PCM Code, Flasher Serial Number, and full modification list. Lastly, we will need you to let us know what you have changed on the car so that we can make the correct tuning revisions for your modifications.

For customers changing to a different intake manifold, all aftermarket manifolds for 11+ incur an additional $150 fee. If it is OUTSIDE of the 6 month support window, the $150 will buy you another 6 months of support. You're welcome :-) 

"What's NOT Included" is modifications we think will require more than usual time to fulfill, so it will require additional cost.

Power adder setups will require a remote tuning session. You can learn more about the remote tuning session here. The remote session will carry a fee of $500 if you have already purchased a tune directly from Lund Racing, or from one of our dealers. Remote session customers who require a revision for minor modifications of the current power adder combo may buy back into a 6 month revision period for the standard $150 rate. But if anything changes on injectors, or fuel system requiring more in depth datalog review it'll be $250 to "re-tune" the vehicle. If the power adder combo changes completely, it's another $500 since the entire calibration is different and we have to start over. 

Ultimately, depending on what you change on the car, we decide at our discretion if the modifications will require a full remote tuning session or not. We handle this on a case by case basis.

For individuals who have purchased a vehicle previously tuned by us - to extend support for tuning the vehicle we will require the 6 Month Support to be purchased. Please contact us before purchasing anything. 

As always, please contact us (support@lundracing.com) before placing an order if you have any questions.
